

Sheridan Smith ITV Special

GeeFX Studios recently worked on the screen graphics for the Sheridan Smith ITV Special. We created visuals alongside directions from ITV Producers, Lighting and the Director Chris Howe. Great project to work on and Sheridan is such a real genuine talent!


Time Crashers

 Logo work for Channel 4 production of Time Crashers. We ended up building it in more of a steampunk vibe but I like the classic design look inspired by clocks, watches and spirographs.


BBC Sport - Cycling 2017 Title Sequence

BBC Sport - Cycling 2017 - Title Sequence from GeeFX® Studios on Vimeo.
BBC Sport tasked us with creating a new and distinct Title sequence for the BBC's coverage of Cycling. Our senior motion graphics animator Ben Wigmore, designed and lead the production of the sequence which was inspired by the works of artist and author Jan Pienkowski's fascinating children's illustrations.

Creative Services:
Title Sequence Animation, Concept Design, Creative Direction, Compositing
Client: BBC Sport
Producer: David Purchase & Helen Dapre
Creative Director: Graham Clarkin
Design, Animation & Compositing: Ben Wigmore
Background Animation: Sean Womersley


BBC Cycling Titles (Making of)

BBC Sport asked GeeFX Studios to design and produce a title sequence for the new BBC Cycling coverage inspired by the paintings of artist/author Jan Pienkowski.

Working alongside GeeFX's Creative Director, Graham Clarkin, ​I ​designed various ​concept ​visuals to give ​the producers at​ BBC​ Sport​ a ​clear ​idea of ​the type of visuals we could create for cycling with these great paintings as inspiration.

The Producers​ really​ liked the visuals​, and so our next step was ​creating​ an animatic ​to get ​the timings right for each of the transitions. We also needed animation that would easily clarify each cycling event. Velodrome: Mountain: BMX and Road. Here's the animatic in sequence....

BBC Sport ​loved the timings and ​animation ​ideas. I moved onto animate each cyclist while Sean Womersley created wonderful painted backgrounds. I had to create each cyclist silhouette and build them so they could be easily animated and posed in different positions.

Top Left: Mountain     Top Right: BMX      Lower Left: Road      Lower Right: Velodrome

Finally it was a case of compositing everything together using the animatic as a guide and building each scene. A​fter seeing the final animation there was a great reaction from the producers​ at BBC Sport​.


Graham Norton Show 1 MILLION SUBSCRIBERS!!!

Rarely seen footage of the GFX team in this video celebrating 1 million subscribers to The Graham Norton Show Youtube Channel. 1 MILLION!!! Thumbs up!!!


GeeFX Studios Reel 2017

GeeFX Studios - Showreel 2017 from GeeFX® Studios on Vimeo.

I've been working for GeeFX for the last 6 years as a Motion Graphics Animator. Managing Director Graham Clarkin, known in the TV graphics business as Gee, is the nicest, most genuine guy working in telly-land. Here's a selection of our favourite projects over the last 3 years also including work by very talented Mr Sean Womersley

Also I'm a nice guy.... :)
